Game Of Thrones Audio Book Reddit

News and discussions relating to George R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels, his Westeros-based short stories, 'Game of Thrones' and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. Download Game of Thrones Season 1–7 (2011–2017) in English 480p, 720p and This is available in 480p& 720p for free just click on the download button below. It is a Tv Series by The HBO based. Game of Thrones, book and show alike, is spun from classic myth, from the tales of Robin Hood and King Arthur to the Norse Ring Cycle and saga of Ragnarok.Above all these human adventures soar Daenerys' dragons adapted from the dragons, wyverns, and wyrms of Western bestiaries.

  1. A Game Of Thrones Audio
  2. Game Of Thrones Audio Cd
Game of thrones audiobook reddit
  • Author :
  • Genres :
  • Fantasy, Science Fiction
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  • Published :
  • 6 August 1996
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  • 102070

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1)

Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun.

As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must .. and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty.

The old gods have no power in the south, Stark’s family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne.

  • 1.Chapter One
  • 2.Chapter Two
  • 3.Chapter Three
  • 4.Chapter Four
  • 5.Chapter Five
  • 6.Chapter Six
  • 7.Chapter Seven
  • 8.Chapter Eight
  • 9.Chapter Nine
  • 10.Chapter Ten
  • 11.Chapter Eleven
  • 12.Chapter Twelve
  • 13.Chapter Thirteen
  • 14.Chapter Fourteen
  • 15.Chapter Fifteen
  • 16.Chapter Sixteen
  • 17.Chapter Seventeen
  • 18.Chapter Eighteen
  • 19.Chapter Nineteen
  • 20.Chapter Twenty
  • 21.Chapter Twenty-one
  • 22.Chapter Twenty-two
  • 23.Chapter Twenty-three
  • 24.Chapter Twenty-four
  • 25.Chapter Twenty-five
  • 26.Chapter Twenty-six
  • 27.Chapter Twenty-seven
  • 28.Chapter Twenty-eight
  • 29.Chapter Twenty-nine
  • 30.Chapter Thirty
  • 31.Chapter Thirty-one
  • 32.Chapter Thirty-two
  • 33.Chapter Thirty-three
  • 34.Chapter Thirty-four
  • 35.Chapter Thirty-five
  • 36.Chapter Thirty-six
  • 37.Chapter Thirty-seven
  • 38.Chapter Thirty-eight
  • 39.Chapter Thirty-nine
  • 40.Chapter Forty
  • 41.Chapter Forty-one
  • 42.Chapter Forty-two
  • 43.Chapter Forty-three
  • 44.Chapter Forty-four
  • 45.Chapter Forty-five
  • 46.Chapter Forty-six
  • 47.Chapter Forty-seven
  • 48.Chapter Forty-eight
  • 49.Chapter Forty-nine
  • 50.Chapter Fifty
  • 51.Chapter Fifty-one
  • 52.Chapter Fifty-two
  • 53.Chapter Fifty-three
  • 54.Chapter Fifty-four
  • 55.Chapter Fifty-five
  • 56.Chapter Fifty-six
  • 57.Chapter Fifty-seven
  • 58.Chapter Fifty-eight
  • 59.Chapter Fifty-nine
  • 60.Chapter Sixty
  • 61.Chapter Sixty-one
  • 62.Chapter Sixty-two
  • 63.Chapter Sixty-three
  • 64.Chapter Sixty-four
  • 65.Chapter Sixty-five
  • 66.Chapter Sixty-six
  • 67.Chapter Sixty-seven
  • 68.Chapter Sixty-eight
  • 69.Chapter Sixty-nine
  • 70.Chapter Seventy
  • 71.Chapter Seventy-one
  • 72.Chapter Seventy-two

It’s hard to imagine that an epic fantasy series like theGame of Thrones books was first expected to be nothing more than a short story.

George R. R. Martin set out to write an imaginative and provocative story, but eventually, it turned into an eight-book series, with some of the books nearing 700-pages in length. The audiobook length can get up to 50 hours in some instances. Talk about an active imagination!

Those who haven’t read the books yet might be wondering whatall the hype is about and why so many people would be willing to expend so muchtime reading such lengthy books.

Read on to find out why so many people are unable to putthese books down and what the author has in store for the final two books inthis series.

What Readers Can Expect from the Game of Thrones Series

Technically, the Game of Thrones books are not theactual name of the series. Martin has called this series Song of Ice andFire, with the first book in that series called Game of Thrones.When HBO decided to adopt the story for the small screen, they decided to namethe show based on the title of the first book. Since that time, this series ismore affectionately known as the Game of Thrones books.

The stories in these books take place on the fictionalcontinents known as Westeros and Essos. The stories are told from a first-personpoint of view from a multitude of characters – from nine in the first book toover 30 in the latest.


A Song of Ice and Fire consists of three storieswoven together:

  • Several families clamoring for control ofWesteros
  • The threat of the Others, a supernatural forcefrom the north who have been barred from moving southward
  • The ambition of Daenerys Targaryen to assumecontrol of the Iron Throne.

In this series, the reader will find stories of intrigue,rebellion, and betrayal. While the story is exciting and engaging, many peoplewarn that it’s a series that is for a more mature audience as there aredetailed depictions of the horrors of war, including torture, beheadings, andother violent acts.

Additionally, there are several sex scenes in the story,including incest. Mostreviewers say these scenes aren’t gratuitous and are added to move the plotforward, as opposed to the television series which seemed to add it more forthe shock value than plot.

The Game of Thrones books truly are epic. Theyconsist of prophecies, hundreds of years of history, and interwoven storiesthat span generations.

In addition to the historically based content, readers alsoget to enjoy the fantastical. There’s plenty of supernatural fantasy to enjoy,from the tall, pale, boney, blue-eyed Others to Daenerys’ dragons. Othersupernatural creatures include:

  • The Wights (basically, zombies)
  • A three-eyed raven
  • Wargs (people who can enter the minds ofanimals)
  • Giants

When Will George R. R. Martin’s Next Books Be Released?

At this point in time, Martin has said there are two booksleft to write before the Game of Thrones series is complete. Fans can’twait since it’s been seven years since the release of book five of this series.

The sixth book to be published will be entitled The Winds of Winter. The expected release dateis sometime in 2020, but it’s hardto say that for sure. Martin has been saying he’sfinishing it up since at least 2017. At this point, he isn’t putting a specificdate on it as doing that has “jinxed” him in the past.

Some fans have speculatedthat the reason this book’s release has taken so long is that Martin wants torelease the final two books in this series at the same time. Whether The Windsof Winter and its follow-up, A Dream of Spring, have a simultaneously has notbeen confirmed by the author or his publisher.

In an interview, Martin saidthat both books are enormous, with A Dream of Spring amounting to 1500 pages.It is very possible that one or both books might be released in two volumes,something the author did with book number three (A Storm of Swords) and booknumber five (A Dance with Dragons).

What’s Expected to Happen in the Final Books of This Series?

Not much is known about A Dream of Spring, but Martinhas given some glimpses into what will happen in The Winds of Winter.

  • More epic battles. In fact, the book will beginwith a bang – two battles straight away.
  • More marriages
  • More betrayals
  • And of course, more deaths.

Martin has also said that some of his fans’ favoritecharacters might make a return. Of course, readers can expect to read about Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow,and Tyrion Lannister. However, there will also be some supporting favoritesthat Martin teased may be back, including the Dothraki, Marillion, and the SandSnakes.

Will the Game of Thrones books end like the HBOGame of Thrones television series? InMartin’s words, “Yes and no and yes and no.” Mk4 game download.

Eight Percent of U.S. Adults Have Read All of These Books – Will You JoinThem?

According to Statista, eightpercent of the adult population in the U.S. alone have read all five of theGame of Thrones books and fully intend on reading the finalinstallments.

A Game Of Thrones Audio

Why is this series so popular? Martin has been able to injectrealism into his fantasy, helping readers with the whole suspension ofdisbelief thing. What’s happening in the novels doesn’t seem so far-fetched,even if there are dragons flying around in the background.

Game Of Thrones Audio Book Reddit

Game Of Thrones Audio Cd

Another reason this story is so compelling is because of thewell thought out characters and plot, including some very powerful female leads.There’s barely a moment when readers won’t be on the edge of their seatwondering where the story is going to take them or what their favoritecharacter is going to do next.

For anyone who hasn’t read these books, 26 million peoplecan’t be wrong. Though the sheer page count may seem daunting, the story is socompelling that the books are hard to put down and are very much worth the timeit takes to read (or listen!) to them.

Are you ready to start this epic fantasy series? Our guides provide an inside scoop on the land, background, and characters that will draw you in, keep you captive, and leave you wanting even more!