Build A Z80 Computer

In this DIY Hacking series, we will actually build a computer based around the Z80 CPU. In the process, we'll learn how it works and how to program it! The Z80 processor was designed by Zilog (led.


Build A Z80 Computer

After making the mod to the video O/P of my ZX81, as described here, I discovered that my TV would not successfully display a picture. This seems to be a common problem with non-CRT TVs so a solution was needed.

  • This way, I can prove out most of the computer without relying on the Z80. Once the wiring is working, I can get the Z80 itself going as a separate step. The Teensy also controls the clock and reset of the Z80, so can act as a debugger, and even temporarily pause Z80 execution so it can read/write RAM while the Z80 is running.
  • Retro Computing – About small SBC systems.
  • After successfully building a Harlequin 128K, and chatting online to @6502Nerd, who has built his own homebrew computer based upon the 6502, I decided to have a crack at it. The aim of this project is to build a fully functioning Z80 based computer.

Just as I was thinking about doing a more intrusive mod I discovered the Minstrel ZX80 Clone project from Tynemouth Software. I ordered the PCB and it arrived the next day.

The PCB came complete with a comprehensive list of components together with suggested sources for the rarer ones. Strangely it didn’t come with a circuit diagram, which it should have done considering Tynemouth have modified the circuit.

Z80 projects

Z80 Computer Trainer Kit

I have been through my component boxes and have a number of the required components already.

Although the Minstrel ZX80 Clone project is based on the ZX80 it is designed to fit into a ZX81 case. Fortunately I have a ZX81 I can use; I also have a ZX80 with an original ZX81 upgrade ROM I can install into the Minstrel PCB.

Z80 Projects

Next task is to order the missing components. Once the machine is working I will use it to test the diode PROM and basic LED output circuit.