Sublime Python Interpreter

  1. Sublime Python Interpreter
  2. Sublime Text Python Interpreter

Sublime Text is a popular code editor that supports many languages including Python. It's fast, highly customizable and has a huge community. It has basic built-in support for Python when you install it. Whatsapp pocket registration code. However, you can install packages such as debugging, auto-completion, code linting, etc.


Hi again, in personal I like to use the console of sublime text for interact with Python, but my recent projects has been made with Python3 version, I've been through lot of stress, so I didn't remember how change to the Py3 version on SublimeREPL (the console mode), could sound dummy for someone. Well I couldn't find a quick answer, so after a nice shower and a good latte, this was my solution, that I share with you! (thanks to an old and nerdy buddy)..

Sublime text doesn't support that. But you can get around it (at least in python) by using SublimeREPL, I use this for everything, it works pretty great. It also allows you to run the interpreter in multiple tabs To install it you need package control this lets you easily install plugins. Learn to install python package in sublime editor for features like autocomplete and run build within sublime editor itself. Table of Contents Install Sublime Package Control Install Package Python 3 Verify Python Autocomplete and Build. Install Sublime Package Control. First download the package control for sublime editor. SublimeREPL Allows you to run a Python interpreter session in an editor view. Sublime Text for Python development — My 2016 review – When you ask for editor recommendations as a Python developer one of the top choices you’ll hear about is Sublime Text. In this post I’ll review the status of Python development with Sublime Text as of.

Sublime Python Interpreter

First I use ubuntu 14.04, so already have Python 2.7 and 3.4.
I use Sublime Text 3 like an editor, with SublimeREPL for console mode.
At this point, SublimeREPL has as default the version 2.7, this is wat I want to change for the 3.4 v.

Sublime python download

I need to go in my Sublime Text editor to: Tools->Build System->New Build System and put the next lines:

Sublime Python Interpreter

{ 'cmd': ['python3', '-i', '-u', '$file'], 'file_regex': '^[ ]File '(..?)', line ([0-9]*)', 'selector': 'source.python'}</code>

Then save it with a meaningful name like: python3.sublime-build (the extension for the building).

Sublime Text Python Interpreter

The last step to do is go to edit the Main.sublime-menu file, it's located: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeREPL/config/Python

Here you just need to put the number of the version 3 in some order, but I leave the example of my final file in a gist so you can check it:

And that's all! so simple I know but helps! Greetings.